3 Reasons Your Company Needs Custom Business Signs
You have worked hard to become a business owner, and now you have your own company with one, two or perhaps multiple locations. For most business owners (especially if they started from a small company) creating unique, original, and custom business signs was probably not an initial priority, but it is something that should be considered within a very short time.
A business is more than just a way for your customers or clients to find your office, retail outlet, or company; it is a part of your ability to distinguish your company from the competition, to promote your brand, and to also have a look that is unique and identifiable in any location.
Branding Matters
Business signs, both outside and inside a location, are a critical part of your branding program. Today, it is hard to get away from the importance of branding, and without highly visible signs around your business you are missing a valuable branding opportunity.
Using signs for branding includes creating a custom sign that matches your company logo, colors, and the products and services you provide. Our custom sign designers and fabricators can work with you to incorporate the design elements of your brand in a sign that makes a statement.
Create a Custom Look
Who says signs have to be boring, specific colors, particular styles, or even look like traditional signs? By carefully considering the message you want people to get from your sign, we can create the look you want that can be used on multiple locations in all types of cities and areas around the country.
For example, if you want to project the image of solid support and security, say for a bank or a law office, perhaps your sign should have a natural stone look in the background with raised letters in metal, the symbols of strength and endurance. Or, if you wanted a sign for a chain of hobby shops you may want to be more creative and colorful for the background and use large black block text for the name.
Be Different and Memorable
Finally, as a branding and marketing tool, you want your business signs to stick in the mind of your customers and clients. You want them to associate that sign with great service, top products, and a level of customer experience that will keep them coming back.
Having memorable signs designed by Dave’s Signs will help you accomplish these branding and marketing goals, and we know they will make your business stand out from the competition.
For help with your business sign project, call us at (805) 641-1387, or contact us online.