How Professional Grocery Store Signs Help Your Business
If you run a grocery business, your profit margins are razor thin. In fact, most stores have profit margins that average 1.1% after taxes. This means the average retail grocer depends on volume sales and they need to attract as many customers as possible to stay in business. Effective grocery store signs can do many things for you and here are four ways that professionally produced signs can help you out.
Establish Trust
If people are going to buy your products and eat them, they have to trust that your products are safe as well as affordably priced. Notice the building sign for the Westridge Midtown Market. There’s nothing flashy about the sign, but it is tastefully done and adds an air of subtle sophistication that instills a local home town feel and trust.
Tell the Customer Why They Should Buy Your Products
It’s important to have good prices, but the best bargains are not really bargains unless people know why they should buy from you. Some of the most effective grocery store signs give you motivation to both buy and consume products. This sign tells you that if you eat healthy you’ll be nutrition wealthy. It also provides lovely images of fresh produce. Everyone wants to be both healthy and wealthy and this sign subtly lets you know that’s possible with the right foods from this grocer.
Memory Aids
Both the “Eat Healthy” and “Kid Tested” grocery store signs have catchy slogans that stay with you. They also have illustrations explaining the slogans and give you a mental image to tie the slogan to. This is an excellent memory aid and a good way to get inside your customers’ heads. Catchy slogans are still effective advertising. If you can’t think of a great slogan for your grocery store signs, call your sign professionals at Dave’s Signs at (805) 641-1387 today.