The Road to Successful Monument Signs
Monument signs are different than most business signage. For example, a standard business sign identifies a business and draws visitors inside. On the other hand, monument signage is usually some distance from the establishments and may list a number of businesses. Since they are so different, they need a different kind of design and advertising strategy. What makes good monument signage? Let’s look and see.
When you come to sign professionals at Dave’s Signs, we want to know what kind of environment your sign will live in. For example, is it on the edge of a busy shopping center or by itself alongside the road? In other words, if there are things on the landscape competing for the sign’s attention, your sign needs to grab that attention and stand out.
Distance Matters
No matter what kind of message you want to convey, it should be kept simple to be effective. However, you can have more on your monument signs if the reader is on foot because he or she has more time for reading. If someone in a car needs to see the sign from a way off, you should be direct and to the point because they only have a few seconds to make up their minds.
By creating the right shades and colors, you can make the eyes follow to the most important part of your monument signs.
However, your contrast color doesn’t have to be as dramatic as black and white or red and blue. The sign we did for the city of Ojai is a perfect example of contrasting colors. Everything is made from different size stones except the part with “Welcome to Ojai.” The color contrast is subtle yet very effective. The sign blends in with the environment and resembles the signage of a small housing community, and this provides a personal touch.