Tips for Getting the Most from Shopping Center Signs
If you’re looking to update your shopping center signs, you have made a good business decision. However, you’ll need to work with other business owners to get the best signage for everyone. Here are some helpful tips for getting the most from your signage.
Position Matters
If possible, try to get your message as high on the sign as possible. People tend to look up and to the left (because we read from left to right) when they look at things. Naturally, the upper left-hand corner is the most desirable location. You may have to pay more for this position, but it’s one of the best ways to spend your advertising dollars.
Keep Your Sign Simple and Easy to Read
Most shopping center signs are designed to attract the attention of people driving by. This means you have less than five seconds to get the reader’s attention and convey your message. For best results, keep words to a minimum and include few images.
Many drivers today don’t have a lot of time to read the local signage. They may be thinking about work or home or just trying to navigate traffic. This gives you a limited opportunity to attract their attention, and your message should be short and sweet.
The Importance of Size
Do you have several businesses on your shopping center signs? If so, you may want the biggest signs possible but how big is too big?
At Dave’s Signs, we work with our clients, and we are familiar with all the local regulations and ordinances in your area. We can recommend the right location and size for your signage. That way, you won’t have to worry about compliance issues. Call us at (805) 641-1387 for more details.